A review by lisawreading
The Truth about Us by Janet Gurtler


I have very mixed feeling about this new YA novel. The characters are well drawn and the set-up is quite interesting and thought-provoking. The idea that even someone with a seemingly perfect life -- the spoiled rich girl -- can have real problems is conveyed sympathetically. But sometimes, the main character's obliviousness to what real poverty means can be a bit much to take.

Kudos to the author for tackling the subjects of privilege and economic challenge. I'm just not sure all the pieces quite fit or that Jess's problems are equivalent somehow to Flynn's family's daily struggle for food and shelter.

Still, the plot is engaging and the characters are well drawn. Even characters who are seemingly harsh or unlikeable have reasons for acting as they do.

For more, check out my review at http://wp.me/p2B4Be-2SM.