A review by quirkycatsfatstacks
Loch and Key by Seanan McGuire


Behold! I'm still binging all of Seanan McGuire's short stories, and it finally is starting to feel like I'm making a dent. Sort of. Next on the list, we have Loch and Key, which is number 0.08 in the InCryptid series. This story, along with many others, can be found through Seanan McGuire's Patreon.

Johnny and Fran have still not healed from the loss of their son. They never will fully heal. But they're trying to get there, and that's what matters. The elder Healys have decided it's finally time to introduce Fran to their summer vacation spot, a lake full of cryptids.

Guys, I loved this story. No, really! I loved it. I want more exactly like this, perhaps even with the same critters involved. They were a delight to read about. I loved their history, location, and even the current predicament. It was so fun to read.

Plus, it helps my heart to see Fran and Johnny slowly but surely healing. I think that the readers really needed that. I can't imagine having to wait months to see their next installment in the series, as that pain would have felt raw for so long. I'm glad I'm binging it now.

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