A review by hugbandit7
The Magnolia Inn by Carolyn Brown


A romance set in Texas, how much better could it get?!  And to top it off, it is set in Jefferson Texas, not far from where I went to high school.  And in fact, my husband and I visited this town last summer and was charmed by the small town, its residents, and the landscape.

While the story is somewhat predictable - knowing that Jolene and Tucker would end up together, what adds flavor to the story is Sugar, Dotty, Flossy, and Lucy.  These women take Jolene under their wing and only want to see her happy.  But they are old enough to do what they want and not care what anyone thinks.  I got quite a chuckle out of their antics and matchmaking ways.

Jolene and Tucker have their own set of issues to deal with but it somehow works for them as they learn to trust each other a little more and realize that perhaps what they need is looking them right in the face.  I thought it was interested that Tucker's deceased wife would speak to him in his thoughts.  She was a wise woman.  There were multiple times that the story was very touching and I felt a bit misty as if I was right in the center of the situation.

This was a fun read and if you are looking for a book set in a small Texas town, in a B&B, and with some sassy characters, then check this book out.