A review by paulweymouth
Lightspeed Magazine, January 2020 by John Joseph Adams


Recommended story: She'd Never Had a Name Before by J.R. Dawson

Science Fiction Stories
"The Men Who Change the World" by Christopher East
A man becomes a spy and infiltrates a mega-corporation for their secrets. Pretty good!

"All Together, Now" by Jason Hough and Ramez Naam
reprint - A soldier attempts to destroy a huge mech that is destroying Atlanta. It was OK

"She’d Never Had a Name Before" by J.R. Dawson
My favorite story of the month. A girl meets her sister that died from an alternate world. Excellent!

"The Ones Who Stay and Fight" by N.K. Jemisin
reprint - Jemisin channels Le Guin in this Omelas like story

Fantasy Stories
"Story Kit" by Kij Johnson
reprint - Kij continues to go over my head.

"Destinations of Joy" by Alexander Weinstein
A new continent is found in the Pacific Ocean. Meh.

"Holiday" by M. Rickert
A really disturbing story about a man doing research on the deaths of young girls. Definitely seemed more like a horror story to me.

"Fortune’s Final Hand" by Adam-Troy Castro
This casino allows you to trade your memories, gain other people's memories, all while gambling. I might of miss the nuances in this one.