A review by booksnpunks
Imagist Poetry by Richard Aldington, Amy Lowell, James Joyce, T.E. Hulme, D.H. Lawrence, Peter Austin Jones, William Carlos Williams, Ezra Pound, Edward Storer


A good collection and I think introduction to Imagisme. Founded by Ezra Pound in the early 20th century, it is a movement where the image takes priority, and the poem holds a 'concentration of meaning', as a revolt against the "doughy" poetry of the late 19th century which was apparently to flowerly for Pound.

It was really nice to finally read poems from H.D. whom I've been meaning to read for a while. Surprisingly loved Ford Maddox Ford's poems as well but this was probably just because they were First World War poems which is one of my interest areas. William Carlos Williams, however, takes centre stage. His language and influence is unparalleled.