A review by alyshadeshae
Debating Darcy by Sayantani DasGupta


I have a confession. I've never read Pride and Prejudice. I just couldn't get into it. I didn't like the movie and I've always DNFed the book. In fact, I've had difficulty with all of Austen's works. Which is weird because I've almost always enjoyed retellings of the stories.

Like this one! I loved this book. It was delightful, witty, and full of female empowerment and just general awesomeness! Like this exchange:

Jishnu laughed, offering me a coffee mug. “You’re not like most girls, are you?”

“Ehhhhh.” I made a “wrong answer” buzzer sound even as I accepted the mug from him and went about selecting some black tea. “Don’t do that thing.”

“What thing?” Jishnu looked surprised as he poured the hot water into my mug for me.

I nodded my thanks. “That thing where you put down other girls to compliment me. It’s so old-school old boys.”

I love it so much! Although, I shouldn't be surprised because I've loved everything that I've read from Dr. Sayantani DasGupta so far! Her writing style is fun and badass!

And this book makes me want to retry the original because of how good it is!! But maybe I'll try it as an audiobook this go round.