A review by bookishjade
Chaos by Edmund White


Before I start the review, I want to mention that whoever reads this collection of Edmund White stories, would also enjoy [b:Skinned Alive|2463229|Skinned Alive|Edmund White|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1394310864s/2463229.jpg|2470425] as it is another collection that explores homosexual relationships. The difference between the two is that Chaos focuses more on the older gay generation.

I've read quite a few of Edmund White's books and so far the main characters have been described as young, virile and attractive. Coming of age or coming to terms with issues such as AIDS, HIV etc. But what I really enjoyed about these stories is that the perspective shifts between characters who are older (In their sixties on more than one occasion) and this was new to me as I am not used to characters (in general and especially in gay novels) to be old. It was different and eye opening to see life and aspects of life through ageing characters.

Each story is completely unique, but linked with the same themes that make up the collection. All of them have their own distinct voice and I never felt distanced from them. There were even a few twists in some of the stories which caused me to see the story I had just finished reading, in a whole new light.

The last story, 'The Creative Writing Murders' was intriguing from the very start of it, and although it is short, it is brilliant and leaves a lasting impression on the collection as a whole, down to its...I don't even know how to put it, but it stands out and although it still includes the main themes, I see it as set aside from the other stories, but for very good reason. It finished the book of perfectly for me.

Each story contains its own gems and I already want to read certain points and phrases again.