A review by bookishlykenia
More Than A Kiss by Sally Henson



The relationship between Regan and Lane is one to fantasize in high school. I know I did, seeing how hard they had to work at their relationship was a bit sad for me because of how they showed their love for each other made it seem like they were miserable because it had to be a secret and they also had to over come the long distance.

This contemporary is sweet and keeps you on the edge of whether they will be found out and whether regan will let others opinion dictate what she wants for herself. In the book Regans cousin tells her she doesn’t want her to make a mistake like she did. And I get that but not every relationship is the same nor is regan the same as her. And not every guy would leave you pregnant and alone. And in no way is a child ever a mistake. That’s just me being passionate since I can relate to this character in a way. I got pregnant in high school and my boyfriend at the time his parents made it difficult for us to be together. But we overcame all that and have been married for 7 year this Sunday, with 3 kids to boot! Sorry back to the review.

This book was great I’m ready to find out if their love is strong enough to survive regans father and the two years they still have left till she can leave home and start her life with lane with nothing standing in the way.