A review by ericarobyn
The Horror Collection: Gold Edition by Mike Duke, J. C. Michael, Amy Cross


The Horror Collection: Gold Edition is yet another awesome collection of tales that had a story for all types of horror fans; from light horror to heartbreaking and gore filled!

This collection was so much fun!

In this collection, Flesh by Kevin J. Kennedy and Ghost Train by Mike Duke were my two favorites.

Per usual, here are my quick breakdowns and reactions for each story that was included.

The Paperboy by Amy Cross – 4/5
Oh gosh! What an intense loop! I usually hate repetition, but in this case it made the story that much more suspenseful. The obsession with the adult seeing the paperboys eyes was certainly intriguing. I was definitely left wondering what happened after the hat was lifted… and what’s up with all the wounds?

The Man Who Lost Paradise by J.C. Michael -2/5
Woah. What an interesting take on addiction! I liked the possession element to this, but I’m personally not a fan of stories that center around addiction. It was wonderfully written, just not for me.

The September Laments of Annaleigh by Matthew Brockmeyer – 3/5
Jeeze! What a messed up little family. And what in the world were those critters bred for?!

Flesh by Kevin J. Kennedy – 5/5
Ever wonder what would happen if a family lived away from the public, in a cave that over the years, has the ability to change them into lizard-like creatures? Oh goodness!! This certainly made me was to go read The Tale of Sawney Bean again! I loved that this one picked up a time after that book ended. I had been wondering how the family may have fared in later years… What an interesting storyline! I loved the zombie element!

At Peace Now? by Lex H Jones – 4/5
Phew! What an intense tale right from the start! The afterlife is such an interesting thing. I love seeing the different settings that people come up with! I certainly wouldn’t want to end up in this one!

Ghost Train by Mike Duke – 5/5
Oh my goodness. That first scene was brutal. Thoughts of anyone getting into an accident with a train is horrific. But kids? So horrible! I felt bad for the kid that was supposed to be on the bus that day as well! Then we jump to when that kid is all grown up and has a kid of his own named Billy. Billy and his friends want to go see the rumored ghost train… of course that sets off a tale of mystery and determination to get their friends back.

My Final Thoughts:
I read this while on an early morning flight from Boston to Phoenix and I was totally drawn in. Thank goodness too, because I hate flying! This helped pass the time wonderfully!