A review by jmatkinson1
Moral Defense by Marcia Clark


Attorney Samantha Brinkman is struggling to make her way in Los Angeles' complex law system. After a recent successful case she is approached to become an advocate for Cassie, accused of the brutal murders of her adopted family, but claiming to be an abused teen. Meanwhile Sam has got herself into a tight corner owing money and/or revenge to two different gangs. Then her recently re-discovered father asks her to look at the case of a cop who may or may not be corrupt.

This is a busy book in terms of complicated plots but is a fairly non-complex read. Clark has much experience or the law business in LA and this sings through in her writing. However the writing itself is rather pedestrian and this makes the book sag at times. What I did like was the way that Sam Brinkman is not a clear-cut heroine, she has some morals but is always looking for the best way out of situation and this is echoed by the fact that the end of the book is neither precise not complete.