A review by lostbetweenpages
Mismatched in Manhattan by Tash Skilton


This was weird, because I didn't really like the characters, but I wanted to keep reading to know what happens.
Things that bugged me:

- Their meetup was so... childish? They were fighting over the free biscotti the café had on display.. and they're in their 30s...
- At the start of the book, Zoey felt very misplaced in New York, and everything irked her, but still.. she was so judgmental and kept assuming other people's lives were so much better than hers, and because of that she felt very entitled (e.g. the free biscotti should be hers etc.)
- They're both ghostwriters in different companies, but somehow they were both so unprofessional??? Not just falling for their client's match (AND THEN TRYING TO INTERVENE SO THAT THEIR CLIENT AND THEIR MATCH DON'T WORK OUT), talking about topics that their client may have no knowledge of and then not briefing them about what happened during the chat, but also like insisting on trying again with the same match instead of moving to the next one because the ghostwriter likes the match??? (putting it nicely, they could say that they have experience and that they know better, but nah)
- Kind of catfishing because at the start they were falling for the clients' looks and the ghostwriter's mind
- Not sure if I missed it while reading, but there was no resolution to their bosses' lives? (they used to be together, started the ghostwriting dating thing together, but split up and opened 2 separate ghostwriting dating companies) The format of each chapter started off with emails sent by the bosses to the employees, and I'm not really sure why that was the case.