A review by csears1694
Managed by Kristen Callihan


2.5. This book was so cringe at times I had to put it down and take a lap. Truly outlandish banter. Nobody talks like this. Gabriel calling her “chatty girl” over and over set my teeth on edge. Not sure what she’s seeing in him besides being hot and was the disappearing and secret fighting not a giant red flag? Like man needs professional help. The 3rd act conflict really torpedoed my rating. The whole scenerio was ridiculous. Gabriel was never shown as stupid but he’s a total idiot and also nearly violent(?) and Sophie just ghosts to Australia without telling him Gabriel he’s idiot or speaking her mind about “getting fired”? It is so out of character for her and his “grand gesture” proposal before actually resolving their fight is not a trope I accept.

An easy afternoon read, but fell short in the last 25% for me. Many side characters had the potential to be interesting but never developed (assuming it is saved for the other books).