A review by unladylike
Gwenpool, the Unbelievable, Vol. 1: Believe It by Christopher Hastings


I'm still not sure what to make of this book, but it was a bit more fun than I expected, so I'm giving it 2.5 stars.

The premise is that a contemporary Marvel fangirl somehow get's sucked into the Marvel universe and is self-aware about the whole thing. Her costume, choice of weapons, and 4th-wall-breakingness are where the similarities to Deadpool stop. I expected it to be more of a What If? mash-up of Gwen from Spider-Man and Deadpool. Instead, it's more of an amalgamation of Tank Girl and Harley Quinn.

Gwen Poole lacks super-powers, unless you count her knowledge of the characters and general physics/rules of Marvel comic books and her belief that, if she's in a fictional world, she need only put on the performative role of the hero in order to become practically invulnerable. After all, only the extras in comics have short lives.

The concept and target demographic are not subtle whatsoever, and the writing generally leaves much to be desired. But it's still better than so many of the flagship titles from the Big Two, so... Gwenpool deserves some respect and appreciation.

Recommended to: Fans of Harley Quinn, Tank Girl, Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, Ms. Marvel, (Jane Foster) Thor, She-Hulk, Deadpool