A review by ubalstecha
Emperor Pickletine Rides the Bus: An Origami Yoda Book by Tom Angleberger


The finale of the Origami Yoda series sees our heroes off on their field trip to Washington DC. But the principal has banned origami. How will the group solve problems and gain insight without their paper Star Wars characters? Some resort to some unique solutions that lead to the usual hilarity and zany situations.

As this is the finale, there is a passing of the torch in the story with a logical conclusion as to why the kids won't be consulting Yoda any more. Anglebeger, being a smart man, leaves the door open for us to follow Yoda or or Yoda to return, but the reader gets the impression that this is the last installment. The author also does one of the classiest things ever by dedicating the last ten or so pages to saying thank you to all the readers who have sent him oragami, pictures, drawings and letters. If that doesn't warm your heart, then you are an Emperor Pickletine.

Go read this.