A review by chocolatequeen
The Shadow Cats by Rae Carson


Part of the story of The Girl of Fire and Thorns is Elisa realizing her own potential. In this prequel, her older sister is the one to see it first.

As an older sibling, I remember the moment I first looked at my brother and saw him as something more than a pest. (My pest that no one but me could make fun of, of course.) That realization is one of those mile markers of maturity that happens just as naturally in Carson's fantasy world as it does in our real world.

Or perhaps not just as naturally, because Alodia sees Elisa's worth when her sister attempts to save her life. Carson's skill is making this extraordinary event relatable.

Several pieces of background information become clear in this short story--why Alodia wanted Elisa to marry the king, why she thought her sister might be in danger, and the truth of her own regard for Elisa that Elisa can't see until much later. If you've read Girl of Fire and Thorns, read this to satisfy your curiosity!