A review by lexiegrace88
Prairie Evers by Ellen Airgood


Airgood has spun a well-written and detailed but concise novel. So many difficult issues are covered but in a way that makes them very accessible. Prairie is adjusting to moving from the mountain of North Carolina where she has lived her whole life to now living in upstate New York. If that's not enough change, her grandmother, who has always lived with them, is leaving and heading back to North Carolina. Prairie's grandmother has always home-schooled her and now Prairie will have to go to the public school. So many changes in her life leave Prairie feeling a little overwhelmed. She learns to get through, though. By raising chickens, relying on her family, and making a best friend at school, Prairie starts to make New York her home. Prairie learns that everyone has struggles in their lives, and compared with her friend, Ivy's, Prairie's aren't so bad at all. Airgood's novel explores family relationships, class, domestic violence, and friendship in a heartfelt and genuine way.