A review by theresidentbookworm
We Were Always Eating Expired Things by Cheryl Julia Lee


I love browsing used bookstores, and it has been a while since I went into one thanks to the current COVID situation. Recently, however, I had the opportunity to visit Madison, WI, and explore Paul's Bookstore, which is fantastic! Seriously, if you're ever in Madison, I definitely recommend a visit. They have an amazing selection, and I could have spent hours there.

Among the books I picked up there was We Were Always Eating Expired Things. It is the debut poetry collection of Singapore writer/poet Cheryl Julia Lee. From what I can tell, she hasn't yet published a second collection, which makes me sad because I'd love to see more work from her. I bought this collection because I flipped through it and saw a poem titled "You Can Return the Books You Borrow", but then I fell in love with the whole thing. It centers around the idea of a family and its house falling apart and what that looks like. I really loved Lee's verse style and just the narrative of the collection.

If you're looking for an interesting, short poetry collection, give We Were Always Eating Expired Things a try!