A review by ngreads
The Bladed Faith by David Dalglish

Did not finish book.
....I can't tell you how sad this makes me.

As context, I really enjoyed the Shadowdance series. I found it well put together, with great characters, smooth action, and a memorable story. The world was solid, and it's one that I still gladly recommend.

So, obviously, since this is the closest book Dalglish has published to the same vibe as Shadowdance, I was excited.

I DNF'd it. It was around the 100-150 page mark, I don't remember which, and I've already removed my bookmark, so...yeah, don't feel like flipping through to find where I was.

Here's what killed it for me (There were only two, but they were big enough to make me put it down):

- I didn't care about the characters. I kind of liked Cyrus, but 100 pages in I still didn't feel connected to any of them or their struggles.

- Here's the bigger one. I have firm standards when it comes to fictional religions, and this didn't even meet one of them.

Here's what I need in a fictional religion: clear doctrine, a clear effect on the culture, and clear core values.

After 100 pages of a book FOCUSED on a religious war, with one of the POV characters being a literal paladin for one of the gods and characters who have studied their enemy (who has an opposing religion), I should be able to tell you those BASIC parts of the religions.

Instead, I can tell you just about nothing.

The worst part? The religion in the world of Shadowdance was one of the best ditheistic fantasy religions I've read. The dynamic between Karak and Asshur was clear - Judgment vs. Mercy, their paladins both having valid points and tension as they interacted. Neither was evil, neither was good, both had their flaws and issues, even if the books lean strongly toward Asshur as the preferred deity.

In this...what can I tell you about any of the gods? Endarius is...stubborn? How does that affect his worshippers and paladins? How does that affect Thanet? Who knows. I don't.

Lycaena is all about beauty? How is that a core value of the people? Why are her paladins just basic knights? Wouldn't they be more arts and healing focused? Is there a dynamic between Endarius and Lycaena outside of them being buddies?

No idea.

The God-incarnate? Well...he doesn't like gay people because he just wants everyone to reproduce? Why? How does that fit in his doctrine? Is he just a really lazy parallel for Catholics vs. Pagans?

Who knows. I don't.

This was a disappointment. I had really wanted to love this.

Alas...it goes in the DNF pile.