A review by vikingwolf
Chaotic by Kelley Armstrong


I used to own a copy of 'Dates from Hell', the anthology that this novella was published in but when I saw that the story was about Hope and Karl first meeting, I chose not to read it and the book was traded to a friend. Yeah, I know, I should've given it a chance! At the time my favourite women were Elena and Jaime so Hope wasn't as interesting to me. I wasn't a fan of Karl in Bitten but he has greatly grown on me as the series has progressed and that is why I hunted down a copy of this novella to read. And I loved it!

Hope is on a blind date set up by her mother-with her brother-in-law's old frat buddy, the boring, self obsessed and rude Douglas. At the museum her chaos senses are alert to a security guard being attacked and a robbery in progress. Hope goes to confront the thief and realises it is a werewolf-a test by the Council to see how Hope is developing as an agent. Can she stop Karl, impress the Council and ditch her date?

I wish I had read this book before I read Personal Demon as it would have endeared me to her before she got her own book. I really liked her character in this book. She comes over as a normal person, other than her half demon side, the kind you would like to have as a friend. She feels that she owes the Council for giving her a purpose, an outlet for her chaos as she investigates paranormal events for the publication she writes for, but her mother is more interested in finding dates for her. Where they dug up Douglas from is a mystery to me!

Douglas is an awful date, always talking about himself and how great he is, boring poor Hope to tears! When she does get a chance to talk, he just interrupts all the time and seems to want Hope to be what he wants her to be, instead of finding out who she really is. Hope, you are WAY too polite! I would have dumped his ass by the end of dinner! When he ignores her wish to visit an exhibit and drags her off to introduce him to people he wants to network with, I was yelling at her to stop being such a doormat and get rid of him! I would have left him with his networking target and went on the tour, but hey, I'm rude and selfish so that's just me...

Karl was great in this book-charming, unruffled, sexy and dangerous. Didn't you just want to grab him? I loved all of his interactions with Hope and his amused demeanor at her amateur detective antics. He may have been the bad boy outcast when we met him but when things take a dangerous turn for Hope, he is trying to protect her without a second thought, and I liked seeing this side to him. It gives us a taste of what he will do in the last Otherworld novel '13'. He is fast becoming a favourite of mine, the more I read about him.

It is hard to review this novella without giving away everything that happens-and there is tension, action, intrigue and a touch of romance. It really is the complete novella and I loved reading it.