A review by jashanac
Can't Stop Won't Stop: A History of the Hip-Hop Generation by Jeff Chang

Did not finish book. Stopped at 11%.
I've had a used physical copy of this on my shelves forever, and I guess I just never looked into what exactly the book was about. I thought it was all about the history & development & changing trends of the hip-hop music genre. I assumed there would be some discussion of cultural shifts leading to different trends and sounds in hip-hop, but this was more or less ONLY about the politics of the early hip-hop generation. 

Looking at some reviews it seems the book was pretty well-received overall, but I do see a lot of comments that it isn't so much about the music itself, and that several major hip-hop artists are left out entirely. Also that KRS-One was unhappy with how his Stop the Violence movement was portrayed. 

Essentially it doesn't seem like a bad book and I'm sure it has some interesting discussions or information, but it simply isn't what I was looking for or what I thought it was.