A review by magyklyxdelish
Apology by Jon Pineda


An uncle takes the fall for a “crime” he didn’t commit, which was really just an accident that came from 2 kids (one of them his nephew) messing around. Essentially this story is at its core about the consequences of our actions.

While I appreciated the story he was trying to tell, this fell incredibly flat for me. When it comes to stories told in unique ways, one of my favorites is multiple perspectives. However this book is constantly changing perspectives with no warning and it’s too many people. I mean at one point he shared the story from the perspective of a random office worker who was in no way important to the story. It wasn’t super hard for me to follow, but I could easily see how others might get confused by this. For me, it just left me frustrated how often it was changing, and how many people he felt needed to share their point of view.

This story is also told through short “scenes” if you will. I don’t really know how best to describe that, but while telling this story this way did make the pacing go a bit faster, it left the story feeling altogether disjointed. On the other hand, if this story had been told normally with a continuous and point a to point b timeline, I probably would have been bored.

Overall I can appreciate what he was trying to say, but the way this was told, for me anyway, came off as pretentious and disjointed.

2 ⭐️