A review by robosquid
Hot Zone by Steven Konkoly


I'm being generous with my 4 stars here. The plot was interesting and fairly well-written, but the problem with this book was the amount of gun detail, along with all the military acronyms, which was simply boring and unnecessary. Also it suffered from plodding slowness although this was broken up by occasional action scenes. The characters however were well drawn, had background and could be distinguished from one another, and their dialogue was fairly realistic.

The plot revolves around several mostly likeable characters who have all been away from home (Indianapolis) for a week or two and come back to find increasingly bizarre behaviour amongst their neighbours and colleagues. This situation soon degenerates and we have 'zombie' type incidents with mindless murderous violence aimed at anyone nearby. It does not appear to be a pandemic contagion though - the area is contained under quarantine and the source, infectious agent (or whatever it is) does not affect our little group, who meet up towards the end of this instalment of the book. The story ends abruptly, and continues in part 2 of what is a very long book divided into three parts. There are many unanswered questions at this point, most pressingly what the causative agent is, who released it and why.

I did enjoy this book but think the trilogy would have benefited from some serious editing to bring it down to two or even one standard-length novels.