A review by kellyherself
The Redemption of Ajax by Trinity Faegen, Stephanie Feagan


Isn’t the cover of this novel gorgeous? I love it. It is, unfortunately, probably the only thing I liked about this book, which is a shame.

The first 50-60 pages of this novel moved very quickly. I was drawn into the story and anticipated The Mephisto Covenant being a great read. After these initial pages, though, the novel veered off course for me. Here are my basic problems.

First, the plot was extremely complicated. EXTREMELY. It was very hard to follow and track the rules of Faegen’s world. There was an over-abundance of supernatural characters, each with their own special powers, in this book. Keeping their function and purpose within the novel straight was difficult. Due to there being all of these different characters with individual purposes (Skia, Mephistos, Luminas, Lost Souls, Purgs, Normals, etc.) the actual plot became hard to follow.

Second, the characters were problematic. The characters, again, had a vast amount of supernatural powers, so there was that aspect to juggle. But the characters were mostly unlikeable as people. I couldn’t connect to Sasha or to Jax. They weren’t dynamic characters. I found them to be under-developed and flat. Because I couldn’t connect to the central characters in this novel, I had difficulty caring about what happened.

Third, there were aspects of the plot and characters that I found extremely off-putting. For instance, there is much of the plot of the novel dedicated to whether or not Sasha can make this enormous decision to be with Jax. There are various reasons why this is a hard decision for her to make, but I don’t want to be spoilery. Sasha is very insistent that she cannot be with Jax and this is repeated over and over again, until suddenly, in a single page-turn, Sasha changes her mind and Jax is suddenly the love of her life. This is very shoddy writing and did not sit well with me.

Also, the details surrounding Sasha and Jax engaging in sex and the “marking” that would take place made me nauseous. I felt this played no good role in the novel and fed into every antiquated notion of the loss of virginity. It also just came across as trashy.

I cannot honestly recommend this novel. There are so many fantastic books out there that I wouldn’t recommend such a mediocre work. I very much doubt that I will read any further installments in this series.