A review by librarianlizreads
Gilded by Marissa Meyer


Star Rating: 3.9*

Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult, Fairy tale retelling

Notable themes: Violence/gore, death/murder, sexual references, LGBTQ+, old world style gods

Romance Level: Kisses, depictions of desire, references to sex without graphic depictions.

My personal take: Well, this has been a hard one to wrap my mind around. I really like Guild as a character, and I think the dynamic of Serilda’s gift is very interesting. I enjoy the dynamic of the two as main characters, but I don’t feel like the progression was linear enough to make sense. I didn’t need a straight line, but how did you get from point A to point R?

I really like this story, but I’m still struggling with a couple of things that felt like plot holes to me. I look forward to seeing what happens in the sequel. I sincerely hope she can pull some things together for me.