A review by alyssaindira
Now I Rise by Kiersten White


*no spoilers were harmed in the making of this review*

"I should be partners with the devil"

Hey guys, so I finally got around to reading Now I Rise (And I Darken Series, #2) by Kiersten White. I am kind of glad it took me so long to read it, cause now I dont have to wait long to read the third book, since it just came out, ha. Anyway, I think I enjoyed this book a bit more than the first book, probably due to the fact that the first book just had so much character shaping and background building and ya know, all the stuff a first book of a series needs. Due to that, one could slip relatively easily into the second book. I felt like the second book had more going on, like one event after another, in rapid succession. It was almost hard to keep up, haha. Like this is happening then this and that led to this then that, etc. Also, the story was told in alternating POV's of Lada and Radu. I liked that, except when something interesting happens to one of them, and I want to continue with that event, but the book has other ideas. Heh. Ultimately, all the scattered events led the characters toward their goals. For Lada, get the throne of Wallachia. For Radu, help Mehmed get Constantinople. Both of these goals by any, means, possible. I think the characters stayed true to themselves for most of this book, and from the characters we got to know in the first book. Lada as always, would rather negotiate with blood promises than false promises. She would rather turn to violent means to get what she wants instead of slightly less violent means. But hey, I dont judge her. She knew what she wanted, and she would do anything,become anything to get it. The only things that she could not become, were a man, nor Radu. Several times during the novel, she wonders what would happen if Radu were beside her, or if she was simply more like Radu. But then she remembers that he is not beside her, and she has to be what she has always been. Herself. She gains allies her own way, no one elses. Gotta have respect for that. She never gives up, she always finds a way. Always. No matter what. The only thing I didnt like about Lada in this book was how she used Bogdan. :/. She flat out used his affections and his loyalty to...service her. I was just...*sighs* She even says that she wont belong to Bogdan, but he belongs to her. She admits that she doesnt like him like that,but she still used him for her own pleasure. I was just...gah. I wish Bogdan would find himself someone who could actually give him the love he deserves. In regards to Lada's other men, I liked Nic. I also found Hunyadi an interesting character. I also kind of liked Mattias too. Wonder if we'll see more of him in the next novel. Now flipping to Radu, well, he often found himself asking what Lada would do if she were in his position. Sometimes he wishes he was more like her, sometime he doesnt. But he gets thing done in his own way. Sadly, I dont really think it was bcause Radu wanted to do these things for himself, but for another, in hopes that he would finally get the love he so rightly deserved. However, that man has no heart to give Radu. Honestly, I dont know where MEhmed's heart went wandering off to in this novel. In the first novel, he was alright. In this novel, he was so not alright. I hated how he didnt seem to care at all about Radu and the conditions he might have to face and everything he would have to see and experience on the mission that Mehmed sent him on. If mehmed had cared about Radu the way he said he does, well,,,*coughs* things would be different. Not only did Mehmed hurt Radu, used poor Radu, he also pulled a fast one on Lada. Gods. He is...ughhh. I think at the end of this novel, Radu was starting to realize that he was just so over Mehmed. That he was moving on. He was beginning to see the truth about Mehmed and that the sultan would never be enough. Onto something better, or should we say, someone? Cyprian was bae. I swear. heh. I hope in the next book, that ship sails, yesss. So yes, the character relations and dynamics swayed over the course of this book, as did their hearts, kind of. Yes the book kind of dragged out some of the events, but it made it seem as if it wasnt too dragged out, the descriptions were an ease to read and not to complex. All in all, I enjoyed this novel and cant wait to read the third. As always, if you guys have any questions or comments, drop em below. Till next time. Bye