A review by jackiehorne
Cuff Me by Lauren Layne


3.5 My first book by Layne, I believe. Really enjoyed the construction of the hero, a quiet onlooker in a family of extroverts, someone who feels a bit like an outsider because of it. And worries that he doesn't know how to love, or simply can't feel love, because he doesn't have any big angsty past that is causing him to be cold. Having had some of the same worries myself, I could easily relate to Vincent, even though he's a big tough NYC Italian cop and I'm not any of those things... The banter between Vincent and his partner, Jill was quick, funny, and quite entertaining. Jill's dithering about whether she should marry the perfect guy she's become engaged to, or to dump him because she's still crushing on Vin got a bit old, though, and the mystery plot of the novel fell flat.