A review by bookber
Shiver: Junji Ito Selected Stories by Junji Ito


Another horrifying set of stories from Junji Ito. I didn't love this as much as [b:Uzumaki|17837762|Uzumaki|Junji Ito|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1476677569l/17837762._SX50_.jpg|78186726] but it was still fun and gross in the best way.

My favourites were:

Shiver - awful if you have trypophobia
Fashion Model- couldn't stop laughing at the jump scares of this woman's baffling appearance - loved it
Hanging Blimp - terrifying concept with a great ending
The Long Dream - another scary idea, with equally scary drawings
Greased - probably my favourite but also I want to erase it from my memory as it is one of the most sickening and disgusting things I've ever read - I literally couldn't look at some of the pages because they made me want to die x

I love the creativity and it was really interesting to see the author's commentary and sketches alongside each story. And I have to respect his ability to petrify me with an image alone, whether I like it or not.