A review by reddjena
Bone Magic by Yasmine Galenorn


What would you do if you found yourself on the frontline of a war between demons and the fae? Well, that’s the question the D’Artigo sisters and their friends have to answer in Yasmine Galenorn’s Sisters of the Otherworld series. ~Series spoilers ahead~ These three sisters come from a mixed heritage, half-faerie and half-human. They don’t get much respect at home in Otherworld because their magic erratically backfires. Camille, the eldest and leader of the group, has pledged herself to the Moon Goddess and recently started practicing death magic. Delilah may be the middle child, but her innocence, naivete, and maturity frequently have me thinking she’s the youngest; she’s a werecat who shifts into a tabby cat and a black panther. She has been chosen to be the only living Death Maiden by the Harvest Lord and recently learned she had a twin who died at birth. Menolly is the youngest but had to mature quickly when she was tortured, raped, turned vampire, and unleased on her unsuspecting family. And where would the team be without emotional support? The fae are well-known for their sexual appeal and appetite, so each sister has at least one suitor thoughtout the series. Menolly had to overcome her heavy emotional burden before she could let anyone close enough; however, she found Nerissa, a were-puma, and Rozurial (Roz), an incubus. Delilah has an off-and-on relationship with Chase, a full-blooded human (FBH) and Zachary, a were-puma. Camille is married—by magic soul ritual—to three men: Trillian the Svarthan, Smoky the dragon, and Morio the youkai-kitsune. Other important allies include demons Roz and Vanzir and Finnish house sprite Iris.
The series has made its way through seven books with book eight due later this month. Galenorn exercises her writing genius by alternating narrator by book. Each of the three sisters takes a turn telling the story, which makes for some interesting revelations. In Bone Magic, Camille takes the stage because as leader she finds most of the important information following the war against Shadow Wing, the demon lord who wants to obliterate our world (and all the other ones)! Earthside, faeries have worn out their warm reception by humans, which only complicates the work the D’Artigo sisters have to finish. Overall, I am loving this series for its creative explorations and the wonderful storyline.