A review by colorfulleo92
Portrait of a Killer: Jack the Ripper - Case Closed by Patricia Cornwell


As a true crime novel stating to have solved the jack the ripper case it isn't very good. But it had a huge sense of gossip and pointing fingers and was oddly intriguing to read. Sloth the first part of the book did put me up quite a bit. I do get that Sickert deformed private parts could be a good motive to those horrible crimes, although I found the amount of discriptves about it and the sheer amount of time she felt the need to point it out felt both disturbing and unnecessary. I wanted to scream "I get it!! He's penis is deformed!!" But do think my neighbors would have wondered what was going on. The need of solving the jack the ripper case might never cool down as I doubt we'll ever know for sure. Yes the forensic and such is getting a lot better but this case is very old and I doubt the evidence collected are much help. But fascinating nevertheless