A review by posies23
The Book of the Dead by Douglas Preston


The last book in the "Diogenes" trilogy is a fitting finale. Filled with lots of derring-do and thrills, this one is set largely back at the museum where RELIC, RELIQUARY, and CABINET OF CURIOUSITIES were set. This time there is a long-lost Egyptian tomb, curses, and, oh, yes, Pendergast's evil younger brother causing problems.

I enjoyed a lot of the backstory revealed in this book, although there were a few sections (paricularly involving Constance and Diogenes) where I felt some more editing would have strengthened the book.

I read all three of the "Diogenes" books in a row, and I think this one suffered a little bit because of that. These books are probably better read with some time between each of them, simply because there SO MUCH going on in them you become a little immune to all the action, etc.

Still, I want to keep reading the books following this one simply to find out what happens to the characters, so I'm sure I'll be reading them soon.