A review by cameronkobesauthor
A Spell for Chameleon by Piers Anthony


It's entertaining and funny, and the plot is quite clever. I also liked the way the magic in Xanth worked. It was a bit heavy on exposition for a while, but that's not too bad.
What was too bad was that there was a really disgusting tread toward treating women as primarily sex objects for the male characters. For the first few times I was willing to say that this was Bink (the protagonist) being used as a comic foil because the character was fairly stupid for a while, but then characters were joking about rape, and there was a lot in the book along those lines. The misogyny of the book ruined what would have otherwise been an excellent story. I don't care that it was written in the 1970s. That's no excuse, and I don't see very many other writers of that decades being so gratuitous.