A review by ashleylm
Fata Morgana by William Kotzwinkle


Didn't love this ... not the plot, not the characters, and I feel a bit sad awarding it two stars as the actual sentences were occasionally lovely. But writing is more than just sentences.

This book falls into a genre I think of as 1970s sensual foggy pseudo-fantasy ... it doesn't read as sharp and crisp (think Jane Austen) but more dreamlike and swoony (which in other hands can be terrific--I loved The Unconsoled, for instance).

But this story ... it may have seemed edgy when written (and I've been meaning to read it since then!) but now, just kind of draggy, not sexy, not interesting (when I picked up my Kobo I kept feeling disappointed that it was still this book), and the ending was infuriating.

(Note: 5 stars = rare and amazing, 4 = very good book, 3 = a decent read, 2 = disappointing, 1 = awful, just awful. I'm good at picking ones I'd like so I do end up with a lot of 4s!)