A review by wittylinen
The Greatest You: Face Reality, Release Negativity, and Live Your Purpose by Trent Shelton


I like Trent. I’ve been a follower for a long time and I wanted to love this book. Maybe this is just a personal problem but I just felt like the language was so simple. I was looking for deep and I was unfortunately disappointed. One thing that got under my skin too was his constant explaining how football wasn’t his purpose because “I was going to contribute much more to the world doing this than I would ever contribute playing football. After all, besides providing a temporary thrill to fans after I made a big gain or scored a touchdown, football was really all about me” (34). I get it. I get that he’s trying to explain that HIS purpose was not football but there’s many football players that are creating real change and using their platform to positively contribute to society. They aren’t all just a “temporary thrill.” I don’t know. Just the constant hammering of this point made it seem like he’s better than the football player. I’m sure that was not his point but it rubbed me the wrong way. All in all there are some good points in here. Nothing unique and not the best language but I did found myself writing down a few nuggets I wanted to remember.