A review by jbolwerk8
Just a Girl by Carrie Mesrobian


2.5 stars.

It took me a little to get into because I jumped in having to learn all of these different characters and the time jump at the beginning.
Grammatically, the writing was eh. “Sentences” were very short, and choppy.

But my biggest reason for the low rating was because I did not like the ending. There were WAY too many loose ends, and I DID NOT like Sergei’s character. Rianne and his relationship seemed very weird and forced the whole time, whereas Luke did everything right. I know some of it probably just me wishing I had someone like Luke (🙃) but still!! You don’t just up and go to Russia with some dude that you don’t know that well (besides physically, in her case).

Even though I never had experiences like this, I am sure it was very authentic.

Disclaimer: Required read for grad school YA Lit course