A review by nicolemhewitt
Wandering Star by Romina Russell


This review and many more can be found on my blog: Feed Your Fiction Addiction

It’s been a long time since I read the first book in this series (I probably should have actually participated in the rereadathon of the first book, but I just didn’t have time), so it took me a little bit of time to remember what was happening, but once I got myself warmed up, I found that I was enthralled with the worlds of the Zodiac once again!

This second book picked up right where the first left off—after the destruction of Cancer, Rho and her brother are refugees of sorts on Capricorn. She’s overwhelmed with guilt over Mathias’s and her father’s deaths (not to mention many other citizens of Cancer) and she’s pretty much given up on being a leader. Of course, she might not get to choose whether or not to lead.

What Fed My Addiction:

The Zodiac worlds.
I just love the concept of the worlds of Zodiac and how they’re affected by their signs. Russell has done some amazing worldbuilding here!

The Risers.
I loved the concept of the Risers and how they are treated as outcasts in the Zodiac society. I don’t want to give too much away about them because you learn more about them as the book goes on, but I thought that these characters brought up a lot of questions about how we can build prejudices based on the actions of a certain subset of a group and also just based on the fact that someone is different. In this book, even Rho starts to question her own views and how she might have a skewed perspective that has led to some prejudices. I’m probably most interested to see where Russell goes with this aspect of the book and to see what happens with the Risers.

Lots of revelations!
This book was action-packed and filled with twists and turns. I’ll admit that I saw a few of them coming, but there were definitely still some surprises. Rho learns a lot about the history of Zodiac and she finds that she is tied to that history in certain ways. Actually, there are lots of revelations, but of course, I can’t talk about them in any sort of detail because I’d end up giving things away!

What Left Me Hungry for More:

Still a love triangle?
Rho can’t let go of Mathias, even when he’s dead. She holds onto the guilt she feels over his death and she holds onto his memory. And as the book goes on, things just get more and more … complicated. I’ll confess that I was never really much of a fan of Mathias in the first place, so I just wanted to see her move on with Hysan. but she couldn’t really do that. (On the positive side, we did get some nice moments between the couple). I did understand some of Rho’s feelings and actions when it came to the romance, but there were a few times when she just made me more than a little crazy.

This book digs us deeper into the history of the Zodiac and propels the story toward an uncertain future! I’m excited to keep reading and find out where Russell takes us in Black Moon! I give this book 4/5 stars

(The love triangle almost makes me want to reduce that to 3.5 stars, but I’m intrigued with some of the revelations that Rho made about herself—with Hysan’s help—at the end of the book, and I think that the triangle helps her explore those, so I’m more on board with it than I would otherwise be.)

***Disclosure: I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. No other compensation was given and all opinions are my own.***