A review by lizabethstucker
The Best American Crime Writing 2006 by Howard Blum, John Connolly, Mark Bowden, Mark Jacobson, Thomas H. Cook, Robert Nelson, S.C. Gwynne, Deanne Stillman, Denise Grollmus, John Heilemann, Otto Penzler, Paige Williams, Mary Battiata, Jimmy Breslin, Richard Rubin, Jeffrey Toobin, David Friedman, Skip Hollandsworth, Chuck Hustmyre


This collection of magazine and newspaper articles on various crimes and criminals is edited by Mark Bowden. The series is edited by Otto Penzler and Thomas H. Cook and would be found in the True Crime section of your library and/or book store. These articles were published for the first time in 2006.

As a true crime buff, I was acquainted with many of the cases written about. Some examples include:

A murdering/raping Roman Catholic priest who was protected by both the church and the district attorney in the victim's town. He has since left the church, but it still being protected despite everyone knowing that he is guilty of at least one murder and a minimum of two rapes.

A woman who suddenly decided to rob banks while dressed as a man.

A lottery winner whose bad decisions invites others to take advantage of him.

Two New York City detectives who hired out as hitmen for the mob.

If you like true crime, but don't have the time to delve into a full sized book or simply want to know a little about a lot of crimes, this might be the book for you. Every story also includes a coda in which you may learn about what happened after the article was written, or the reactions of the people involved in the story. I enjoyed this collection enough to think about looking for other years in the past.