A review by bear_reads_books
The New Neighbor by Carter Wilson


Carter Wilson has written yet another unique and suspenseful thriller with his latest novel, The New Neighbor. Although this standalone has a connection to his previous novel, The Dead Husband, you can read this one first and not feel completely lost. I have yet to read The Dead Husband and don't feel like I missed anything but I will be reading it to add to what I know from The New Neighbor.

Aidan Marlowe, or just Marlowe to his friends, has recently become a widower. Just before his wife is to be interred Marlowe discovers he has won the Powerball lottery. Losing a loved one is traumatic enough but add in another life changing event like suddenly becoming a millionaire and it's no surprise Marlowe breaks. He decides the only thing to do is to move away with his seven year old twins. He's compelled to move to a huge house in a town called Bury.

Right off the bat you know this is a bad idea to say the least. I was already scared for his children, I wanted him to try to keep it together for them even if he had to uproot them. But as someone who lost a parent at a young age and witnessed another parent be broken by grief, I can honestly say the portrayal of Marlowe's breakdown is pretty accurate. It certainly doesn't help that his life has been affected by the death of his brother years before.

Soon as they arrive there is already a mystery surrounding the previous owners and there are some people that don't want Marlowe living there. He gets sent letters signed by 'We Who Watch' and it just makes him want to dig in his heels and confront them once he finds out who they even are. Everything is making him more stressed and paranoid, the constant drinking doesn't help. He starts losing pieces of time, not remembering anything and can't trust his mind. Basically, Marlowe is a mess!

The New Neighbor is a dark and tense thriller. It keeps you wondering the whole time which is the bigger threat, outside forces or Marlowe's own mind? Despite Marlowe being a slightly unsympathetic character, you will root for him and hope he can get his act together. After all, grief is a powerful thing but love is stronger.

Thank you, Poisoned Pen Press and NetGalley for the e-ARC.