A review by octavia_cade
Doctor Who: The Sensorites by Nigel Robinson


If I'm perfectly honest, the tv episodes of "The Sensorites" did very little for me. There were some nice moments, but it was very slow. Robinson's novelisation actually improved on the story in this regard. The pace picked up, and everything zipped along so that I ended up, for once, thinking more of the book than the actual programme. Unfortunately, the book failed to address the same giant plot problem of the episodes - namely, where was that deadly nightshade coming from?! It's an Earth plant, so it shouldn't be growing on an alien world. Perhaps the astronauts brought it with them... enough to poison an entire city (why would anyone need so much, and why would they bring it in the first place?). Possibly they only had a small sample and grew more (in dark underground tunnels where there's no sunshine for photosynthesis, and in alien soils which lack the microbiota of Earth?). I don't think so.

I'm a botanist by training, alright. These things matter to me.