A review by ritasreadingcorner
P.S. I Still Love You by Jenny Han


This book is amazing! I loved it so much!! It really is better than the first one.

When I started reading it, I thought it was going to be a big cliché and Peter wouldn't read the goddamn letter, but thank God I was wrong. Now I ship them a lot more and I really think they love each other.

One of the things that's made me like this second book so much is the fact that I can relate a lot to it. I myself had kind of a group like theirs when I was younger and some time ago I would do about anything to try and get it back. Just like Lara Jean. I think she was too hung up on the past and the way things used to be and that looks just like me. That's one of the things we learn as we grow older: we can't make the past our present. What's gone is gone and we have to accept it and live in the moment.

Now about Genevieve. She is a real bitch. It doesn't matter what Lara Jean did or the crap she is going through at home or whatever, what she did to Lara Jean was so wrong. They were best friends once, for God sake! She had no right to do what she did. I don't think I could ever do what she did. If I were her, I guess I would be upset too, but what she did was too much. And I don't care that Peter liked to be needed or felt responsible for Genevieve. He should always put Lara Jean above it all, not matter what.

John's a cutie, but I still prefer Peter. I guess it's like bad boy vs good boy and the bad boy always wins. But John is great and I kind of feel bad for him.

In the end, I guess that what makes me more sad about this book is Josh. It's like he never existed. He was pretty much erased of their lives and that's really sad and depressing. I just wish he and Margot could go back together.

I liked the end, though. I just think it was too short. Things were alright for so little time...

So, awesome book. Completely in love!!