A review by nderiley
The Year of Fog by Michelle Richmond


I perhaps expected too much of The Year of Fog, nabbing it from a Target bookshelf and wishing it were non-fiction. That said here are my dislikes:

1) Too long. The search and Abby's feelings during was drug out. After 100 some odd pages, we weren't learning anything new either in the search for Emma or really about how our heroine was dealing with it.

2) Speaking of dealing with it, I do not buy the depth of Abby's relationship with Emma. There were so many recounted stories that were supposed to span only a year of time that I have to imagine she has a perfect memory and is recounting each and every second she spent with the daughter of her fiance that she doesn't live with.

That said, I thought the progression of the relationship between Emma's father and Abby was realistic and interesting and it is what made the book readable.