A review by divapitbull
Dealing in Death by L.J. Hayward


It’s a testament to how much I love this series and this couple; that Dealing in Death gets 4 stars. The extended novella is a retelling of Why the Devil Stalks Death from Ethan’s point of view. It did take me a little while to get into the story because I am not a fan of going over and rehashing plot points that I’, already familiar with. I didn’t reread Why the Devil Stalks Death in preparation; and I didn’t need to. The plot followed so closely to the original story that everything came back: Ethan quitting the Cabal to move in with Jack, Jack working with the Infinity Strike Force to track down the serial killer known as the judge, and the complication of Jack’s former hook up and Infinity Strike Force profiler Adam Quinn.

It was interesting getting insight into what Ethan was thinking and what he was doing behind the scenes as well as seeing how he perceived Jack. Seeing him interact with his Cabal “sisters” and recounting his history with them illustrates that despite the Cabal’s efforts to turn him into an emotionless cold-blooded killer – they never really succeeded. Ethan was the only one of the siblings who had sworn never to kill one of the others, no matter who gave the order. Ethan was always looking for connection and family; which unfortunately is what made him vulnerable to Two and his machinations.

Ethan and Jack are both very engaging characters. Both flawed, but so sweet together. I look forward to the next installment.