A review by ozshark
The Dog Runner by Bren MacDibble


4.5 stars. This was an exciting, thought-provoking post-apocalyptic adventure. It is unfortunately all too easy to imagine such a scenario as described here playing out in our world. A strange red fungus has destroyed all types of grass, meaning no crops, no pasture for farm animals and no food for the majority of the world. Governments are unable to sufficiently help and society quickly descends into an every man for himself situation, with widespread looting and violence fighting over food sources. Into this situation we find Ella and Emery, 2 children trying to make it out of the city to a family farm and hoping Mum and Dad will be able to meet them there.

The character choices and situations were tense and realistic, given the circumstances. I liked how issues of connection to land and indigenous land management were initially subtly woven in (and then more obviously as the book advanced). It was clear the author was influenced by Dark Emu, which was then acknowledged in the credits.

I thought the final resolution was a little simplistic. There was no real reason their troubles wouldn't continue to find them at the Christmas's, and the menace felt from Mike and his men wasn't really explained or explored.

Overall, a fascinating and enjoyable read which should spark some excellent discussion.