A review by irenealgi
Apples by Richard Milward


I guess if you're not ready to write a Great Great Book, you might as well try to write something interesting and reader-catching: which is something Apples is.

Adam loves Eve. eve doesn't even know Adam exists. Eve is too busy with her friends, and her boyfriends, and her exboyfriends, and the night-stands, and then there are the drugs, and the alcohol, and the partying, and then there's make-up. And then her Mam has cancer, but that doesn't stop Eve from worrying about all the previous things. Yet I found that selsfish brat to be adorable, because she has a sweet side to her.
And then there's Adam: insecure, not very handsome, with a dad who beats him up now and then. He also suffers from an annoying OCD. But he's cute nevertheless, and somewhat sensitive.

I liked the language used in this novel -I had a bit of struggle with Eve's speech (and also her gang) since I'm no native English speaker- but I thought it was actually appropriate for the characters and the plot. I also liked the different perspectives and voices, especially the butterfly monologue.

All in all, this is a book I picked from the library because, in all honesty, I would have never bought it myself. I was drawn by the colorful cover and it really was not what I expected.

But I enjoyed the surprise.