A review by lizaroo71
Born to Rock by Gordon Korman


I read this because it is on a list of books as summer reading for my students. I thought with the title and the cover it would be, at the very least, a music lesson of some kind. Not so much.

The protagonist is graduating high school and is a leader in the Young Republicans on his campus. His best friend is a punk rock girl that is his total opposite. But she's all about loving everyone and not judging others, so she defends her Republican friend while he is more of a worm in this regard.

The young man knows his biological father's name, but has never met him and his mother would rather forget the man that fathered her child. Blah, blah, blah. His father is a former legendary punk rock god. And guess what? The band is reforming and touring! And guess what else? The young man is going to be a roadie in an effort to get to know dad!

This isn't a long book, but it felt like work. The characters are stereotypes and some of the side plots are too much. If this focused on the relationship between father and son, it would have been a more compelling story. It veered off into DNA tests, romance of the ugly duckling type, and a womanizing jerk.

The final scene really is out of a movie and wasn't too believable, but after getting through the entire book, I was happy for something exciting to happen.