A review by samsilvester
Cowboy in a Kilt by Kait Nolan


Enjoyable, very slow burn story with a lovely MMC who is a real caretaker in action. Nothing much happens, there's very little angst, the FMC is an incredibly decent and nice human too, as are all the family and friends around them. All very gentle and adorable - especially Mable the rescue Highland coo calf.

Some inexcusable use of Americanisms supposedly by Scottish characters which really jolted me out of the story eg 'close to the vest' would be 'close to the chest' in the UK, we don't have half and half or milk in gallons etc. Plus the obsession with referring to the kettle as 'electric' - which the vast vast majority are anyway in the UK showed a lack of understanding of the culture being written about. Potentially acceptable if it was the American character making these observations of course, but in these instances it was supposed to be the Scottish FMC who definitely wouldn't have these misunderstandings. It's a real bugbear as it's so simple to check/fix but, for me at least, destroys the narrative flow.

Overall, a warm hug of a book for days when you want to feel there are good people in the world.