A review by kimreadsthings
An Inheritance of Ashes by Leah Bobet



A lone figure ambles its way up the twisted ruins of road to find itself unbidden on the steps of a solitary farmhouse. Is the stranger friend or foe? God or man? For 16 year old Hallie, the questions, and the threat, are all too real. In the desolate ruins of civilization, Hallie and her much older sister Marthe have been clinging to their farm, their world, and trying to hold on to each other, but are failing at both.

I really enjoyed this book; more, actually, than I have any book in almost two months (I’ve been in a really terrible slump). It has the isolated, post-apocalyptic farm vibe of The Hallowed Ones, with a touch of The Stand, and more than a touch of The Subtle Knife. Leah Bobet crafts this book out of simply gorgeous prose that is never overwrought. This is a sparse, ruined world and Bobet’s words fit the eerie, desperate tone of it perfectly. A strange and unknown war happened in the south between the Wicked God and mortal men. At last the Wicked God fell, but his Twisted Things, creatures so close to animals from our world but not, have been tearing across the land burning in their path. And now they’re on Hallie’s and Marthe’s farm.

Find the full review atThe Midnight Garden