A review by lisamchuk
A Journey to the Centre of the Earth by Jules Verne


Harry is a science apprentice studying in Germany under his uncle, Professor von Hardwigg. One day they discover a cryptic note from an Icelandic explorer which leads them to Sneffels - a volcano in Iceland. On the way, they pick up a strong but silent guide called Hans, and descend into the volcano. The book then goes on to describe their journey to the centre of the earth (sort of). There's rock, more rock, and an under the world ocean. They encounter ancient sea monsters, other extinct creatures and even a primitive human. There are storms and explosions and fire. Plus Harry gets into a bunch accidents or faints or is rendered unconscious and/or gets lost practically every chapter.

But it was boring. Really, really boring. What I thought would be an exciting romp full of stunning descriptions of geology and nature, was just...boring. Lost in translation perhaps? Didn't age well? Made up 19th century science too over my head? Whatever. Not one to give up, I skimmed the book and moved on with my life. It was a good idea for a story that was probably quite enjoyed in 1871. The end.

The whole time I skimmed the book, I thought it would probably be much better as a movie, so I decided to watch one of the numerous adaptations. I couldn't bear watching the modern 2008 version with Brendan Fraser though. Fortunately the 1959 version with hunky Pat Boone was on netflix, so I spent the next two hours after I read the book watching it. The movie was of course different: initially being set in Edinburgh, the Professor and the student weren't related, there was a woman and a duck and annoying villains, plus other ridiculous changes which weren't necessary and completely changed the story. It did, however, put somewhat of a visual to what might be an interesting story. Anyways, the book and vintage movie version were not completely a waste of time, and even a good bit of fun if you could get past the boring.