A review by melissasbookshelf
Just One More by Annette Lyon


Wow! This book is one I know I’ll be thinking about for days. It’s one of those stories that completely pulls you in and you just have to keep reading. It’s one you’ll want to talk about and would definitely make a great book club read. It’s the story of the power of friendship, secrets, and murder that slowly builds to a shocking climax. Told from the alternating perspectives of two best friends, we read what happened the day of Jenn’s death and the aftermath from Becca, and then the 17 months leading up to her death from Jenn’s POV.

When Becca gladly agrees to help Jenn out by babysitting her infant daughter Ivy, she doesn’t realize this will be the last time she sees her friend. When repeated calls and texts go unanswered, she takes Ivy home only to discover Jenn unresponsive in the bathtub. She immediately calls 911 and attempts to administer CPR but to no avail. What proceeds is Becca’s journey through grief and trying to figure out what happened to her best friend.

Jenn is happily married to Rick. He’s an up and coming attorney trying to make partner. Jenn’s past was difficult. Growing up in foster home after foster home, her dream was to have a loving family with a husband and children. Little by little, Jenn recognizes some disturbing inconsistencies with Rick, but is it just her imagination? As a librarian, she knows how to do research and sets off on a quest to learn the truth about her husband’s past.

This gripping, chilling mystery kept me quickly turning the pages. At times, I was disturbed and then filled with a great sense of loss. It’s clear Becca and Jenn were the best of friends, yet I couldn’t help thinking things might have been different if only they would have communicated better. Becca and Jenn are both sympathetic characters and I kept wondering what I would have done in their place. Becca is certainly a caring, thoughtful friend and I enjoyed how she supported Jenn. Jenn is a loving mother who wants to do what’s best for her daughter. Rick is definitely a slime ball, but it’s hard not to second guess everything.

The ending blew my mind. I don’t want to spoil anything so I’ll leave it at that. It’s one of those mysteries that will keep you guessing and wondering if we really got the truth. Highly recommend to mystery/suspense fans. I received an advanced complimentary copy from the author. All opinions are my own and I was not required to provide a positive review.

Content: Mild swearing (Less than 10 uses of the “s” word, h*ll, d*mn), suicide, death/murder (not graphic), emotional abuse/gaslighting