A review by popthebutterfly
All The Things We Lost by Kayla Tirrell


Rating: 4.5/5

Genre: YA Romance/Contemporary

Recommended Age: 16+ (some violence and slight sexual content)

Pages: 192

Author Website

Amazon Link

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book from the author in exchange for my review. Thanks! All opinions are my own.

Synopsis: After her mother’s death, eighteen-year-old Katie finds herself in a town she never thought she'd see again. Lost in turmoil and sadness, hope surfaces when she comes face to face with Julian for the first time in years.
However, he isn’t the same boy she left behind. Reserved and covered in bruises, everyone in River Valley avoids him. Rumors of his activities run rampant.

Julian is barely keeping it together. He’s the sole provider for his family after his dad leaves. His dreams to go to college are ruined. Even his relationship with his older brother leaves its mark.

Can Katie and Julian find hope and love in each other, or will the struggle to survive their desperate situations prove too much?

All The Things We Lost is a young adult contemporary romance perfect for both teens and adults. It is the first in a series of books, each revolving around a different couple living in the same, small town.

After the slew of fantasy and sci-fi reads I have waded through this month I just HAD to stop and read this cute little teen romance story and I didn’t regret it. It was charming and delightful. The characters were very well developed, their struggles felt real, and I cried. Like ugly cried. The world building was decent for this type of book and the pacing is well done. I also thought for the most part that the plot was good and it did keep me interested in reading the rest of the book.

The only slightly off-putting thing about this book is that it’s sometimes cliché and some of the things that happen in the book are a bit predictable. However, that doesn’t detract from how well written and interesting the book is. It’s also great for a good cry.

Verdict: If you like teen romance books, this is your new favorite series!