A review by joshgauthier
Black Hammer, Vol. 5: Reborn by Jeff Lemire


With Black Hammer Reborn, Lemire sets up a new chapter of his superhero saga. Back in Spiral City, the old heroes are gone and even the ones that followed them have grown older, settling into quieter lives. Haunted by legacy and past mistakes, struggling with family issues and normal life fraying at the seams, Black Hammer is confronted by old enemies and powers beyond comprehension which threaten everything she knows. In this new landscape of heroes, antiheroes, and villains, there is regret, there is heartbreak, and there is once again a threat that seeks to devour the world entirely.

It's hard sometimes to judge a series from only its first volume, but Reborn is a promising opening to a new chapter in this expanding universe. With gripping character writing, and fresh art from Cailtin Yarsky which maintains the established style while bringing some new talent to the title--legacy is a powerful thing, and heroes are just as human as the rest of us. Black Hammer is still going strong, and with each new turn, Lemire takes us deeper into the fray.